Thursday, 14 May 2015

Walt create a show but don't Tell the story

I was sweating as I ran down the step hill. A pain shot through me on the second lap. I crossed the down hill road and ran across the muddy field. The mud  on the field wasn't any mud it was yucky sticky icky mucky mud.  I ran around the turf and reached the finsh line. I enjoyed running the first lap but the second lap wasn't the same feeling as the first


  1. That is really funny with your finger in the picture how did you get the arrow and the me in it.

    1. I got the arrow from stickers (in the pack with the pic collage logo on it) and the me on text. Thank you for commenting

  2. You have done a wonderful job. It looks like you are going to leap from a log! My last house I had a log under the steam. Why did you leap over grass?

  3. 1, I'm not leaping up in the air 2,thank you and 3, I don't know there was a log!
